[Update] Monday 17th April
New Silver Quests:
- Spelunking
- Candle in the Wind
- The Bat Man
- Betting Man
- Gambling Man
- Should’ve Gone To
- Ready Steady Cook
- The Spider Man
General updates and modifications:
- Halfmoons now work despite number of surrounding monsters
- Poison colours now show on blue/red monsters
- Fixed a progression bug with Mystic/Monk questline
- Zombie charger description updated to show poison duration
- Shinsu speed increased slightly
- Quest window will automatically load each time you select a quest NPC
- Standard double slash skills slowed down so A.Speed is more effective
Modifications to Stormcaller class:
- XueLong cooldown lowered on
- XueLong attack distance extended
- Electric shock increased to 5 pets
- Electric shock pet taming level increased to + 3
- Thunder Nova requirement dropped 1 level to 23
- Ice Barrage requirement dropped 1 level to 26
- Frozen Ground requirement dropped 3 levels to 28
- Frozen Shield requirement dropped 1 level to 33
Thank you for taking the time to complain and help us improve the game