[Announcement] Honghuon and Black Dragon Dungeon
ise of the Archons will be offline from 17:00 BST to 18:00 BST on Friday 19th May in order to implement the update.
Honghuon (Past Bichon)
This is an ancient land, tucked behind a desolate valley. Accessible only by sea, it is home to a barbaric breed of Omas and their brutal king. Although few humans reside in Honghuon Fortress, a great tale of a dragon they will tell.
A province renowned for it’s Black Dragon Dungeon. A castle built for one purpose; defence of Woomyon. An unlikely alliance of serpents and ghouls rule here, under the command of the Dark Devil, Devouros’s pretender.

With the recent uprising of human power spreading throughout their kingdoms, a troubled Barbarus has commanded five of his lords back to their thrones.

What’s coming?
- Two new provinces released
- New drop tables accessible
- New item kits in drops
- New achievements to collect
- New Arclords to fight
[Event] Double Experience Events
There will be a series of two hour double experience events.
- Wednesday Evening 20:00 BST to 22:00 BST 17th May (8pm to 10pm)
- Early Thursday 02:00 BST to 04:00 BST 18th May (2 am to 4 am)
- Thursday Morning 08:00 BST to 10:00 BST 18th May (8am to 10am)
- Thursday Afternoon 14:00 BST to 16:00 BST 18th May (2pm to 4pm)
These short timed events are held at different times of the day so that people from different times zones can enjoy them.
On Friday when we release the new content, each player affected by the recent rewind (all created characters above level 20) will be given 3 special experience potions that can be used over the following week whenever they choose to
Experience Elixir
- Experience Rate + 100%
- Magic Find + 50%
- Drop Rate + 50%
- Last for 120 minutes
- Expires on 26th May
[Rewind] 17th May 2017
Many people expressed disapproval with the high stats being gained on item crafting last night. After investigation we have decided that the algorithms used for Arcadia and Project 69 are not applicable to RotA and have therefore been rewritten. This includes more limitations and fewer stat increases.
In order to maintain fair gameplay, we have regrettably opted to rewind the server by 16 hours. This means everything has gone back 16 hours, your character level, exp, items, guilds, auctionhouse, achievements and GameShop purchases. For those who purchased GameGold within this 16 hour period, the full amount will be credited to your account when you next log on.
For means of time compensation, we will be holding a number of experience, drop rate and magic find rate events over the weekend.
[Update] Tuesday 16th May
- Revised Acc and Agil on Red/Blue champions
- Marbles added to sub boss drops
- Added salvaging throughout most provinces
- Removed “Soul attack increase”
- Small increase to Crimson Tempest base damage
- Added lightning element to TDB
- Fixed some issues with “Big floor items”
- Increased Blood Bond cooldown to 60 seconds
Over the next day we will be trialling a HP boost of 25% across all character classes. We hope to give players a little more longevity in battle, particularly pvp.
[Update] Sunday 14th May
- Added damage gradient to Devastation and Thunder Nova: 70%, 100%, 135%, <player>, 135%, 100%, 70%
- Hunter Orb explosion damage calculated per monster
- Hunter Orbs can be recast while still active
- Added “cannot place a trap here” on certain locations and limitations on para
- Necromancer can swap active bloodbond for another pet
- Reanimate monsters up to 3 levels above you
- One hit protection HP drop increased from 5% to 10% (HP you are left with when hit from 95%+ health)
- Prevented unnecesarry double charging of flamesword type skills
- Fixed random lag spike on using charging skills (please confirm?)
Instead of releasing Sabuk War registrations in the first instance, we have decided to hold a grand war for the first Sabuk Wall holder guild. This will take place on Sunday 21st May. All user created Guilds will be invited for free. You have one week to prepare. And we also have one week to continue work towards balancing pvp!
We are looking at opening up the next province and expansion on Friday 19th May. More details will be available soon.
[Update] Friday 12th May
There will be a reboot at 11:00 BST. The server should be back online by 11:30 BST.
- Added Marbles which can be used in the bag upgrade system
- Added solo rares – a new drop file for each monster when killed by a solo player (drops include marbles)
- Added functionality to the bag upgrade system:
- 3 Marbles = cracked gem
- more to come with that
- With the solo rares added, there has been a slight increase to group experience share (still lower than before)
- Arrow Quiver sizes increased to 1000
- Poison Bag sizes doubled
- New lower rates on Gem breakages to make certain gems more viable
- New upper limits for certain gems and orbs to make certain gems and orbs more viable
- Lowered distance for pet recall on recast skill
- Modified Twin Drake Blade skill
- All items that “Break on death in drop zones” no longer break in PvP
- Summon skills now summon pets at level 0-3
- Blood Bond now cancels with @slaughter
- Increased Reanimate count to 6
- Reanimates summon with 3 x HP
- Reanimates time increased to 10 minutes
- Reanimate no longer cools down on misses (are there any other skills like this?)
- Reanimates do not attack players
- Reduced fireburn on Burning Amulet to 30 seconds in PVP
- Small increase to Devastation base damage
- Decimate damage increased
- Undead Soldier damage increased
Hunters. I know I keep on neglecting hunters, but in order to correct this class we need a good few days to redesign skills and implement them properly. This would put a hold on everything else and is not currently fair on the other 7 classes.
[Update] Wednesday 10th May (2)
- Removed 50% pvp damage reduction trial
- Increased HP on Hunter, Monk, Mystic
- Removed blue freeze from working on players
[Update] Wednesday 10th May
This update is designed around improving pvp ready for the release of Sabuk on Sunday.
We realise that we must set some kind of standard, and so from now on, all dungeons will prevent random teleportation in king rooms.
- Trial of 50% damage reduction applied to pvp
- Removed random teleport use on all Prajna boss rooms
- No longer allowed to log out on final two rooms in prajna areas
- Mana reduction on Fire Thrust, Storm Thrust, Fire Slash and Lightning Slash
- Mana reduction on Halfmmon and Decimate
- Lowered Burning Amulet fireburn to 45 seconds
- Added notification for time/damage for burns (ie Burning Amulet)
- Weapon Special Repair added to PI, BW and MW
- WarGodOil added to GameShop and drops
- Frozen Ground slow and freeze rate increased and duration reduced
- Player freeze rate reduced (overall)
- Reduced rate of curse on PK and from Benediction Oils
- Red and Blue legendary bosses/subs have reduced strength and power
- Updated many skill cast animation speeds
- Added salvaging for necklaces and helmets in Mud Wall
- Added more spawns to Prajna Temple
We have suspended a number of people using the run through and no flinch cheats over the past week and started working on the prevention system similar to the one that prevents speed cheating.
[Update] Wednesday 3rd May
- Mutant Overseer and Bone Captain given level 1000+ status
- Luck and Curse has been put back to Euro standards
- Expanded all the doorways in Prajna Cave and Prajna Mining Cave
- Limited sales to some shops to prevent overstocking
- Updated some core code to improve gameplay
- Fixed @roll
- Fixed BluntShot level
- Fixed Bone Blademan and Spearman skins/drops
- Updated spawns across Prajna
Prajna Island
Soft Level Cap: 42
Level Cap: 45
Other updates:
- No RT on Zuma Temple 5th
- No RT after Stone Tomb 5th
- Reanimate time increased
- Monster lag should be completely eliminated now, please advise on result
- Misplaced hunter traps do not cooldown
- Group exp share reduced
- Many skill delays reduced
The server will be offline from 09:00 to 10:00 BST. An update will be required to connect. Please run RotAPatch.exe.