[Update] Friday 26th May
- Fixed Revive MP/HP rates
- Made fonts more clear on screen
- Cleaned up game rendering procedure for smoother game play
- Increased some skill frame rates
- Centred the player horizontally in the screen (for some reason it was off left)
- Corrected skill centring issues
- Added Curse Protection Oils
- Added Dura Defender Lamps
- Reduced knockback times to help with stun lock
- Improved Xue Long targeting
- Increased duration on Revitalise
- Fixed bug with Shoulder Dash causing player to get stuck (? please confirm)
- Increased monster item drop radius from 3 to 5
- Fixed bug where monsters do not drop items when killed on piles of corpses
- Expedited corpse decay where corpses are piling up too fast
- PK Protect Level raised from 11 to 16
- Red PK Protect Level raised from 16 to 22
- Sharpened some of the anti-cheat tools
- Blood bond will now update if you recast it on a pet
- Slightly increased experience from Honghuon Omas and in Black Dragon Dungeon
- Snake Fangs and Snake Sinew can be destroyed on drop
- Increased rate of benediction oil drops
An update will be required to connect.
The next main project will be to revive hunters with some replacement skills