[Announcement] Azurion
The secret of the Frozen Hills of Azurion is out, and Nemo thinks he can get you there. He knows who has the Frozen Map of Azurion and wants you to go find it.

The ferry service from Honghuon to Azurion will launch Saturday 22nd at 2pm (14:00 BST). Be sure to find the map before then!
- New region, monsters and bosses
- Two new level 44 kits and level 47 items
- Short quest to complete to enter Azurion (required level 33)
[Update] Friday 14th July
Hi all, I hope you have been enjoying a reboot free environment for the past couple of weeks! We are rebooting to clear up some bugs and correct a few imbalances. You will also notice a couple of additions:
- Updated drop files with gear up to level 46
- Updated stats of Red and Blue boss champions
- Added sockets to drop files – you may not put two of the same socket into an item
- Recall sets added to drops
- Boss notification added – see options F12
- Poison Cloud lowered usage to 2 poison
- Corrupt sword fixed
- Twin Drake Blade can now be toggled on and off
- Storm marbles and gems added to drops
- Updated Soul Purge success algorithm to work at higher levels
- Players do not drop items in Sabuk Wall palace
- Teleport Home scrolls added to Sabuk Wall peddler
- Guild Wars should now be functioning properly (please be cautious)
- Fixed all change of gender “head issues”
- Auction House discounts are now applied at 5% per day for items listed over 10 days
- Auction House “Misc” tab now includes all other items
- Notifications when group members die/revive
- Hiding skills will now work even after monsters have seen you
- Hunters now drop traps where they stand, and do not have to bend over to place them
- Experience increase in Thunder Pass / Lava Caverns, random teleport allowed
- Slight reduction to King Scorpion lightning damage
- Slight reduction to Dark Devil damage and HP
- Devouros and Scrofas made slightly weaker
As well as the above, we have been working on the next content update, which we hope to release to you very soon.
[Announcement] Pachong Island
Pachong Island
With Nemo able to fix his broken ferry in Honguon, the short ride to Pachong Island will be available to customers very shortly.
Pachon is a new island province, filled with scaled salamanders and rampaging reptiles. The Island itself is extremely peaceful and pristine clear waters keep most evil at bay. There is however a cave here, home of the reptilians, which should not be disturbed.
The ferry service from Honghuon to Pachong Island will launch Friday 23rd at 6pm (18:00 BST).

[Update] Thursday 22nd June
- New level cap 52
- New soft level cap 50
- New soft cap perk – 30% drop rate, magic find, gold find (+10% each level above soft cap)
- New Training potion rates + 50% (since other exp perks are so high these needed updating)
- New resting exp level limit of 41 (you no longer get resting exp after this level
- New exp rates in Honghuon and Black Dragon Dungeon to reflect loss of resting exp above 41
- The following skill books can be found in Bichon Library:
- HolyFreeze
- LightningOrbs
- StaticBlast
- Fenghuang
- SoulPurge
- Reanimate
- Everyone will have their skill points reset when they log in
– Added Crosshalfmoon level 32
– Added Arctic Blade level 42
– Added Vengeance level 45
– Added Fenghuang level 23
– Added Suanni Legion 42
– Added Elder Fenghuang level 45
– Added Soul Purge level 22
– Added Exploding Amulet level 42
– Added ThousandSword level 45
– Added Pierce level 38
– Added Frozen Tempest level 42
– Added Heavenly Sword level 45
– Corrupt Sword dropped to level 23
– Petrification dropped to level 31
– Crimson Tempest dropped to level 35
– Added Lightning Orbs level 25
– Added Explosive trap level 42
– Added Trap Shot level 45
– Fixed attack speed/rate on Spitting Plant
– Added Static Blast level 24
– Added Teleport level 42
– Added Arctic Strike level 45
– Added Poison Cloud level 33
– Added Nightfall level 42
– Added Nightmare level 45
– Reanimate dropped to level 26
– Blood Bond cooldown increased to 120 seconds
– Added Holy Freeze level 26
– Added Spirit Run level 42
– Added Whirlwind level 45
All new skills are likely to undergo adjustments and balancing as usual, please air all your concerns and considerations with maturity
Please note, the ferry from Honghuon to Pachong Island will open tomorrow at 6pm
[Update] Monday 19th June
Quick reboot this morning to address a few issues:
- Fixed boss/high level monster attack delay
- Fixed achievements for Spider Island
- Fixed Sabuk Wall doors not allowing entry when destroyed
- Fixed Defiance base AC
[Announcement] Spider Island
Spider Island
A new island province famous for its eight legged inhabitants. Humans settled here long ago, far away from the mainland where they were rarely disturbed. The crystal caves of Spider Island are home to an unusual cohabitation of apes and spiders. Beware the heart of the island, for it’s roots go deep.
The ferry service from Prajna Island to Spider Island will launch this evening at 6pm (18:00 BST)
[Update] Friday 16th June
As promised we have started the review of skills and this weeks updates are listed below. This review is going to continue through next week as we make some more changed that were not ready for today’s patch
- New Province released: See Spider Island Announcement
- Added Bichon wall to ‘H’ home location for level 28 and above
- Added more Urns to spawns and to their drop files
- Halfmoon damage increased
- Aegis rate updated to a fixed profile
- Rage rate updated to a fixed profile
- Suanni damage slightly increased on normal/players
- Meteor deals 3 equally powerful blows
- Immolate explosion range increased to 2, damage reduced
- Sanctuary AC increased
- Tiger Charge damage increased, cooldown decreased, slow rate increased
- Crimson Tempest increased damage to undead
- Defiance rate updated to a fixed profile
- Updated missing drops on new monsters
- Summon skills do not use amulets when recalling pets
- Damage increase to skill Spread Shot
- Removed cooldown on Spread Shot
- Fixed the pause with pet Spitting plant attacks
- Freezing Trap range same as other traps
- New Hunter arrow stones added to drops
- Ice Blast slow rate slightly increased
- Thunder Strike Damage slightly increased on undead
- Blizzard deals 3 equally powerful blows
- Poison Spear damage slightly increased
- Zombie Charger damage slightly increased
- Blood Bond slightly reduced %
- Increased rate of holy X skills
- Holy X skills no longer hit pets
- Holy Fire has new graphic on Monk skill tick
- Diamond Skin increased protection rate
[Update] Friday June 9th
Updates, in no real order:
- Increased player base Agil by 5
- Lowered all monster Acc
- Map information hotkey ‘M’
- Reduced the gradient of exp loss from monsters that are lower level than player
- Slashed Achievement kill requirements by up to 50%
- Level cap perks increase by 10% each level above the cap
- Ice Barrage does not push monsters
- Resting Experience perk increased +50% for every +10 levels below soft cap (ie +200% @ 16-22, +150% @ 22-32, +100% @ 32-40)
- Removed freezing ability from Holy Deva ice ball attack but increased slow chance
- Random teleporting allowed in Wooma Temple (KR excluded)
- Fewer Wooma Guardian’s spawn but drop rates increased and updated
- Woomataurus drop rates increased
- Evil Tong and Evil Centipede drops increased
- White Evil Boar and Evil Snake drops increased
- Random teleporting allowed in Zuma Temple 5th
- Red Thunder Zumas spread out across Zuma Temple and drop rates increased
- Zumataurus drop rates increased
- Random teleporting allowed in PSC F5, PMC F4 and PT F5/6
- Mutant Overseer and Super Mutant Hybrid drops rates increased
- Bone Captain and Bone Lord drops rates increased
- Spawns in Prajna Temple have been increased
- Minotaur Bull added to Prajna Temple and Minotaur King drop rates increased
- Drops added to Devil Nodes in Honghuon
- Updated drops from Honghuon monsters (higher level gear)
- Updated drops from Black Dragon Dungeon monsters (higher level gear)
- Fixed no player drops in Evil Mir’s Lair
- Random teleporting allowed in BDD 9/10th
- King Hog and Dark Devil AI updated
- King Scorpion, King Hog and Dark Devil drop rates increased
- All lords and their commanders drop rates increased
- All lords and their commanders have large HP reduction
- Reduced spawn rate of red champion monsters and increased drops, increased unidentified rate, increased unidentified quality
- Increased spawn rate of blue super monsters and increased drops, increased unidentified rate, increased unidentified quality
- Increased experience progressively from Prajna Island onwards
- Reduced monster DC from Woomyon Woods onwards
- Monster HP reduced in Honguon
- Monster HP reduced in Black Dragon Dungeon
- Stormcaller can tame 1 Left/Right Guard, Mutant Excavators, Cave Worms (PSC) and Toxic Toads (Honghuon)
- Boss HP reduction from Evil Centipede onward
Hunter updates:
The hunter update is designed to improve viability and excitement. There will be another “phase” when we have assessed this update and see it in action (so we know we are heading in the right direction).
- Skill High Shot replaced by Toxic Vine – A pet that spits poisonous bugs at enemy monsters
- Skill Blunt Shot replaced by Spread Shot – An arrow skill that shoots up to 6 arrows at different monsters
- Skill Resolute replaced by Freezing Trap – A trap that causes moderate damage and slow
- Skill Resolute merged with Elemental Sprite and % increased
- Fixed shift attack on players not targeting properly
- Aimed Shot hits for significantly greater accuracy the closer you are to the target
- Two or more hunters can now place traps in the same location
- Group members can see Hunter trap locations
- Can place traps under monsters/players
- New trap location graphics
- Automatic skill stat reset will take place for hunters logging in game
Coming Soon:
We are sorry to have taken so long with this update but we hope that the results will go some way to satisfy everyone. The next main aim is to review and revise all skills. Enigma has created two threads for players to provide their feedback:
In the meantime we are also working to open up to another two provinces to supplement the current ones and cover levels from 38 to 48. We hope to be able to deliver this by Friday 23rd June.
[Update] Friday 26th May
- Fixed Revive MP/HP rates
- Made fonts more clear on screen
- Cleaned up game rendering procedure for smoother game play
- Increased some skill frame rates
- Centred the player horizontally in the screen (for some reason it was off left)
- Corrected skill centring issues
- Added Curse Protection Oils
- Added Dura Defender Lamps
- Reduced knockback times to help with stun lock
- Improved Xue Long targeting
- Increased duration on Revitalise
- Fixed bug with Shoulder Dash causing player to get stuck (? please confirm)
- Increased monster item drop radius from 3 to 5
- Fixed bug where monsters do not drop items when killed on piles of corpses
- Expedited corpse decay where corpses are piling up too fast
- PK Protect Level raised from 11 to 16
- Red PK Protect Level raised from 16 to 22
- Sharpened some of the anti-cheat tools
- Blood bond will now update if you recast it on a pet
- Slightly increased experience from Honghuon Omas and in Black Dragon Dungeon
- Snake Fangs and Snake Sinew can be destroyed on drop
- Increased rate of benediction oil drops
An update will be required to connect.
The next main project will be to revive hunters with some replacement skills
[Update] Thursday 18th May
- SnakeFang and SnakeSinew bugs fixed
- GoldBar exchange added to storage NPCs
- Guild War added, speak with Jingguo in Bichon Palace